Thursday, March 29, 2012

Before I Kick The Bucket...

So, obviously I peed my pants when I hit the "print receipt" button for 4 Bo Burnham tickets.
I'm so excited.
I can't even.


But anyway, Fatima brought up that it'll be the first item we can cross off our bucket list. Which is cool, because most the items on our list are unrealistic.

Our list:

  • Go to Maroon 5 concert (which has already happened for 1/2 of us...but this is a communal list)
  • Go to Bo Burnham show
  • Meet Bo Burnham
  • Meet John Green
  • Compile book of favorite recipes
  • Take a trip
  • Collab youtube channel
  • Open a bakery (for ourselves)
  • 50th year reunion (at Jenna's)
  • Go to UK
  • Stalk JKR
  • Meet 1D 
  • Buy a bucket 
  • Make a bucket list
  • Stalk JGL
  • Make Fatima a dress
  • Attend wedding of Kira and Chris Bingham
  • Learn to Mambo Italiano
  • Think of word as response to when people cough
  • Think of word as response to when people hiccup
  • Think of word to describe emotion of when things end

So yeah. Some of them are clearly just us being silly. And some of them would be amazing, yet are unrealistic.
But going to a Bo Burnham show. It's happening.

I am that much closer to being able to die happy.

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