Just a situation from 8th Grade. It's exaggerated being it was actually a very quick moment during class and there probably wasn't all that much attention on me anyway, but since I don't have very many instances to work with...this is it.
And yes, Jenna. This is the one I didn't want to write about.
I was walking back to my room; passing-time had already ended. I saw Kira and a friend hugging in the hallway. I was going to say something about getting to class, but I realized she had been comforting the other girl. I made eye contact with Kira through her friend's thick blonde, curly hair. I nodded to signal it was okay, and continued to the classroom.
I walked in to the usual scene. The same group of kids who are always talking were gathered in a corner, sitting on top of the desks, and laughing about things eighth graders find funny. The few awkward kids were sitting alone, with their books open and ready to go. A couple of girls were circled closely around Amy, who was whispering to all of them. And Jessica, who was snapping her gum loudly while throwing her pencil up in the air and catching it.
I walked to the front of the room and stood there a minute while everyone settled down and got to their seats. I looked around for empty desks to quickly take attendance. Looks like Tyler's seat was empty. And Jeremy's. And Kira's.
I remembered then that I had seen Kira in the hallway. I left her seat unmarked, for now.
"Okay, can you all take out your SQ3R's from last night?"
Shuffling of papers.
Then Kira walked in. I went to nod at her, again, but she didn't make eye contact with me.
Usually she takes out her notebook and writes down the Daily Proverb. She didn't today.
She put her books down and rested her elbow on her desk, buried her forehead into her palm, and shifted her head downward so her hair covered most of her face.
A couple of kids looked at her, but mostly everything seemed normal.
I walked around to collect the SQ3R's. I got to Kira and she shook her head at me. She usually has hers done. I just let it go.
I continued with my lesson. All of a sudden I noticed a quick motion from the corner of my eye. Kira had just wiped at her cheek. She quickly buried her face into her hand again, but it was too late.
"Why are you crying?" Jessica asked, rather loudly. Everyone's head shifted from me to Kira. She turned her head towards Jessica, but didn't say anything. I could tell she was trying to keep her composure, but I watched painfully as her face contorted and her cheeks got pink. I could see her eyes welling up. This was always awkward...
Then she got up and walked over to Margaret. Kira squatted beside her and gave her a sideways hug that wasn't reciprocated. Margaret just sat in the desk and looked around at the rest of the class: all of whose eyes were on them, now. Kira whispered something I couldn't make out, even though the entire room was silent.
"What are you talking about?" Margaret said at a normal volume.
Kira stood up and walked back to her desk. She was definitely crying at this point. She did a quick wipe of her face with both hands, took a deep breath, and then looked up at me: pencil in hand and notebook open in front of her, as if to say what are you waiting for? Teach me something.
So I did. I continued on with the lesson as if nothing had happened. The rest of the class took a moment to focus on me, as their attention remained on Kira and Margaret. They eventually started to pay attention, and class went on as usual. I noticed as people would sneak glances of Kira every once in a while, as did I.
But it didn't really matter. It was probably just some dumb eighth-grade-girl drama.
I feel sooo bad that I didn't comment on this especially since I assigned this (and also, the fact that I didn't do the assignment myself but let's not dwell on that hahaha....)
ReplyDeleteI really like this. Especially because I had heard the story from you before, it was kind of cool to see it from a different perspective, even if it was a perspective that you yourself wrote from.
Also, this is a tad random but I'm sorry your 8th grade year was so rough.