Saturday, March 24, 2012

This Is How Everything Ends

guys. Guys. GUYS.

I just saw Watchmen.


I had super low expectations going into it. I didn't think there was any way it could be remotely accurate. And Erik said it wasn't good and was bashing it and said it didn't even compare to the book...

And it doesn't. Right. But I think he seriously under appreciated it.

The characters were pretty spot on (except for Veidt, but Matthew Goode is ridiculously adorable, so whatever); most of the transitions were portrayed perfectly, and the really memorable scenes.. the ones which you think, either they have to get this down perfectly, or they should leave it out, were included, and were (yes I'm about to use this word) beautiful. SERIOUSLY.

Okay, so there were the obvious things that had to be skewed, and the parts that were left out, and the details they changed slightly to fit into this format. It's easy to look at the "wrong" things in a movie, to criticize for its inaccuracy. I think this is what Erik focused on. But overall, I enjoyed it.

That's all I have to say. Basically, you have to read Watchmen. And then you should see the movie, because it's good. Not super-freaking-amazingly-fantastic. But it's good.

My next plan is to read V for Vendetta since I haven't seen the movie yet, and have always planned on it. Alan Moore is twisted, but also a genius.

Maybe that'll be my San Francisco book. 
It's definitely going to be my San Francisco book.

1 comment:

  1. I guess I need to read the book/watch the movie since you liked it so much! haha. Did you end up taking it to San Francisco?
