Friday, April 6, 2012

What I Love About Traveling

  • The way you become strangely observant to the littlest things.
  • When you start to realize the diversity of people that exist in the world.
  • The way a city smells.
  • Realizing you take things for granted.
  • Appreciating new surroundings and situations.
  • Becoming exhausted by 5:00 just from sightseeing and taking everything in.
  • Hotels.
  • Connecting with strangers based solely on the fact that you are both visitors to the area.
  • Getting to see things in person that you see all the time in pictures or movies, but actually experiencing it. And it's different and wonderful, in a way you couldn't have imagined.
  • Local food.
  • Getting lost and panicking.
  • Having the time to read a book.
  • Not having an agenda, but doing a lot anyway.
  • Being jet lagged.
  • Taking pictures of everything.
San Francisco was great. I have a lot of stories, and I had been planning on blogging each day, but I never connected to the internet. 
I kept a journal though. So maybe I'll share the stories later.

Here are some pictures for now. 
Just a statue I like:

City Pics:

Fisherman's Wharf:

Drive to Monterey:

Monterey Bay Aquarium:

Golden Gate Bridge:

1 comment:

  1. I totally get what you mean when you say you love travelling because of those things. It's nice to just get away and experience new things. I didn't really realize it but all the reasons you listed are ones that I love travelling, too! Especially that being exhausted. It always happens that my family is really pumped to walk around at the beginning of the day and by the end we're all like "no one ever talk to me or touch me again" hahaha.
    Also the pictures you took are fantastic. My favorite is the first one under "drive to Monterey" but they're all amazing.
