Wednesday, November 7, 2012


It's November!
Or as we call it in room 2257, Novembeard!

I figured since there is that one holiday coming up that has to do with giving thanks (but mostly FOOD!!!), that I would post about some things I'm thankful for.

Pretty cliché, I know, but it'll give me something to blog about.

So whenever I think of something that I appreciate, I'll make a quick little post about it.
The point isn't to pick the Top 10 things I'm thankful for, or to do something each day, it's just to be more aware of little (or big) things that come up that I realize I enjoy or am lucky for having.

Today, I realized how great it is that I ended up with the roommates that I did.

Angela, Tina, Lauren and I all get along really well with each other, and that's not a likely case. Out of all the types of girls there are, out of all the people I could have gotten paired with...
It's just crazy that we've become such great friends.

Angela is so grounded, and really chill about things. She's the one who makes plans and is what Caleb calls "our fearless leader" (bwahaha). But it's true. She's the really practical one. But we walk back from Chem Lecture together, and we're always in such a goofy mood. She's a no-nonsense type of person, but she's always laughing and having fun with things.

Tina always makes me laugh. She has some of the weirdest perspectives on things, and we're always being adventurous and crazy when we're together. On the flip side, however, she and I have become really close and I feel comfortable talking to her about a lot of things. Those relationships are great.

Lauren and I are sooooo weird. She's always making strange noises, faces, and doing weird dances. And she shamelessly does whatever she feels like doing. She's also incredibly smart, and is really helpful to have around for chemistry and French. Just a random perk. But the greatest of all is her twitter. Seriously, it sums her up perfectly.

What I feel lucky about the most is not just that I'm able to get along with each of them, but we all get along with each other. I know it's pretty early still, but we're already talking about our living-plans for next year. We all want to stay together, and I just think that's awesome, because it seems so unlikely. 

I thought about how different we all are, and how if I were to have met them in any other situation (like in a class or even if they were just neighbors of mine in Campbell), we probably wouldn't have made an effort to get to know each other very well. 

But I'm really glad I live with them. And I'm really glad they're my friends.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really jealous that you get along so well with your roommates! But i'm also glad, they sound like great girls. I know someone here that had 3 roommates and they were all really mean to her and it didn't really work out, and I'm guessing it's usually more difficult situation, but clearly you guys figured it out :)
