Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Letter

I was having an average day. I wasn't particularly happy or upset. I was just going along.

After a boring lecture from Professor Hou on definite integrals, I was ready to go back to Martin and take a nap. But after taking a look at my To-Do List for the day, a nap wasn't going to fit into my schedule. So I stopped by the C-Store to get a coffee.

Angela gets our mail every morning, but I figured I would check it just in case.

Typically, I open our mailbox to disappointment: it's either empty, or there is campus-junk mail shoved inside for all four of us.

But not today.
Today, I opened the mailbox to find a letter.
Addressed to me.
From "Blossom".

I was smiling the whole way back to Martin, coffee and letter in hand, just itching to tear it open and read it. I stopped by the front desk to say hello to Greg, and then rushed up to room 2257. I threw my backpack on our very lumpy futon, sat down at my desk, and opened the letter.

That letter made my day. I was smiling the whole time I was reading it, and I even let out a few laughs.
It's knowing that a friend cared enough to write to me. It's the comfort of seeing her handwriting, and little doodles. And it's the familiarity of life back home.

So thank you, friend.
And be checking your box for a response :)

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely precious. I'm really glad I made you smile. Not going to lie, I was smiling like a dork reading this on my phone on the bus today. haha.
