Remember in 4th grade how we had pen pals? And mine was this girl who never sent me a picture of herself, so I never knew what she looked like. But I knew she liked hippos. And she knew I liked cows.
And then remember how we ended up going to middle school together and becoming friends? And she still liked hippos, and I still liked cows, and that's how we knew it was the same person.
She's one of those people who I have so much in common with, but we have different enough personalities that I never get sick of her.
She introduced me to Doctor Who, some of my favorite bands, and a bunch of great YouTubers. And I can always rely on her to share my interests. Whenever I feel dorky for being enthusiastic about something, I know I can go to her, and she will geek over it with me.
We like to read the same books, watch the same TV shows, listen to the same music, go on random adventures...
I think my favorite thing about her is that she and I never have awkward moments. Oh wait, we always have awkward moments; but not towards each other.
Whenever we get together, there aren't awkward silences. I never worry that it'll be uncomfortable or that we'll run out of things to say.
And even though we haven't seen each other in a long time, I know that when we do, everything will be the same.
I guess people change in college. That's bound to happen. We're becoming independent, we're finding out who we are in new situations. We're growing up.
But even if both of us change, our friendship won't change. I know I can count on that.
Also, she's super talented. Which doesn't have to do with our relationship, but it does have to do with her awesomeness. Can we all take a minute to listen to her sing?
This girl always makes me smile. And everything makes me think of her, because she's one of those friends that I used to always tell things to: just random things. And sometimes I make references to videos we've watched, or other interests we have, or inside jokes that she'd understand...and she's not there. And it makes me really sad.
But the stability of our friendship is comforting.
And I miss her, but I don't really have to miss her because she's still there and she's still one of my closest friends, despite physical distance.
And I'm just really excited for when I get to see her again.
This is so sweet, Kira! You guys definitely really are the perfect pair. I'm obsessed with the fact that you guys met in fourth grade and she loved hippos and you loved cows AWWWW <3.