Sunday, May 6, 2012


Right now, I'm the type of busy where there is so much going on that I don't actually do anything, because I don't know where to start.

Last year, when I tried polyphasic sleeping, I really thought it was going to solve all my problems. I think it might have helped (had I not been such a pussy and failed at adapting to it), but I honestly think there is no such thing as having enough time.

There are so many things that I've been meaning to do, but haven't gotten around to.

These are just a few of them. And please, feel free to skip over this next paragraph. It's just to demonstrate how much I'm slacking.

I need to clean, start projects, finish projects, study, catch up on things, get head starts on things...
My room's a huge mess and I promised Mom I would clean the floors for her two weeks ago. I haven't started my Ancient Civ project (which doesn't matter much, but I've had plenty of time). I have to finish doing my lab write-ups for PhysX because I always leave them until the night before the test, and that sucks. And I need to study for freaking AP tests (one of which is tomorrow holyfuck). I also haven't been watching Doctor Who lately, cause I haven't been nagging like I usually do. I haven't been reading The Fountainhead. I haven't been watching PBFB. I need to call Michele about this summer. I need to get a hold of Anna about camping. I need to get a haircut.

See the size of that list? And that's only part of it.

So. I mean, some of those are little things; unimportant things. Some of them aren't though.

And besides. That's not the point. The point is there's never enough time. Because even if I had five more hours of fully-functional-awake-time in my day than the average person, I would still be behind.

I'm trying to figure out how much I care.
Probably not a lot, considering I am blogging about it rather than trying to get some of those things checked off my list.



What? Nothing. Who said that?

1 comment:

  1. You crazy girl! You tried polyphasic sleeping?! I'm impressed haha.
    But damn you did have a lot to get you use a planner? Maybe that will come in handy for you for next year.
    It was me, I said it. Remember when we met Bo? Good times...
