Arguments 312-527
logical fallacies 320
Spoken 322
Visual 34
Written 312-314
Anxiety 312-527, 321, 340, 347, 356, 358, 360, 419, 422, 496, 527
Power Writing 340, 356
when I check Skyward 312-527
from when I turn a paper in and it's final but I won't know my score for a while 321, 347, 358, 360, 419, 422, 496, 527
Baking 418, 482, 486, 491, 512
rainbow cake of epicosity (see Fatima and Jenna) 418
toffee cupcakes for end of term that took forever (see Fatima and Jenna) 512
mentioned in Cardona's Weekend Update 482, 486, 491
Bridget 333-345, 341, 392, 418, 477
does not think Amy Tan is funny 477
makes me laugh 341
is awkward 333-345
should've baked our rainbow cake with us (see Baking) 418
What are those sounds she is making? Oh, she's just saying hello 392
Fatima 312-527, 355, 418, 500, 512, 527
Baking 418, 512
rainbow cake 418
toffee cupcakes for end of term 512
see Sarcasm 340
Can't live without her (see Jenna) 312-527
is my mother 355
is my wife 500
Silly Songs With Fatima 527
Freewrite Friday 366, 422, 516
are embarrassing to read 422
is my favorite 422
I wonder what Dwight writes in his 516
theme song that I've only heard twice but it gets stuck in my head every time 366
Important Authors 313-315, 322, 326, 327-328, 347, 413-415, 422, 461, 476, 510, 514
Alexie, Sherman 315
First reading and CRJ 332
Ascher, Barbara 510
Bitzer, Lloyd 313
Intimidating start of course 313
What the heck is this guy talking about 314-315
Cooper, Bernard 415
Didion, Joan 326, 347
Eighner, Lars 422
Liu, Eric 461
Mairs, Nancy 467
Orwell, George 327-328
Sedaris, David 514
is hilarious 514
Swift, Jonathan 412
Can I get some BBQ sauce? 413
eats babies 412
Yum 415
Tan, Amy 422
is not funny (see Bridget) 477
Important Concepts 315, 327-328, 360, 326, 488
Burke's Pentad 488
Form, Audience, Purpose 326
Starting point for Rhetorical Analysis 326
Orwellian writing 327-328
Rhetorical Triangle 360
Toulmin Model 315
It's The Little Things 313-315, 322, 326, 327-328, 347, 413-415, 419, 422, 461, 476, 510, 514
CRJs 313-315, 322, 326, 327-328, 347, 413-415, 422, 461, 476, 510, 514
good practice for quizzes 419
I was not good at them 419
were tedious 313-315, 322, 326, 327-328, 347, 413-415, 422, 461, 476, 510, 514
Font 314
as an argument 314
Comic Sans (see Things We Hate) 314-315
Quizzes 313-315, 322, 326, 327-328, 347, 413-415, 422, 461, 476, 510, 514
on which I got embarrassingly low scores 342
Urgh I had that answer and I changed it, WOT. 342
Shitty First Drafts 312-527, 325, 347, 258, 422, 496
Funny article 325
Oh yeah, I have plenty of these 312-527
What, you mean this isn't my final finished product? 347, 358, 422, 496
Vocab 318, 401
My group's presentation was so messed up 401
My water broke, a harbinger of my baby! 401
skits 318, 401
On-Going Projects 360-362, 512
Blog 360
Blog study 360-362
Nomadic Matt 360-362
Lots of travel blogs 512
BLA 312-527, 410, 487
Fast Food Nation 410,
WHAT goes into fast food?! 410
SuperFreakonomics 487
was super freakin interesting 487
Learning! 312-527
Bad, Kira. You're being cheesy. 312-527
Jenna 312-527, 322, 355, 412, 418, 512, 519
Baking 418, 512
rainbow cake 418
toffee cupcakes for end of term 512
Can't live without her (see Fatima) 312-527
is a puppy 355
talks to herself 322, 412, 519
Mrs. Cardona 312-527, 349, 412, 462, 519
see Sarcasm 312-527
hates advisory 349
what? I mean she loves advisory 349
I will miss her 527
is intimidating 412
is snarky 519
is wonderful 462
Purely Evil 321, 347, 358, 360, 419, 422, 496, 527
BFR 347, 496
Finals 419, 527
Power Writing 358, 422
Rhetorical Analysis Paper 360
Speech Analysis 321
Pieces to Study 312-327, 313, 327-328
50 Essays 312-527
Everything's An Argument 312-527
yes really, everything 312-527
Politics and the English Language 327-328
The Rhetorical Situation 313
Rhetorical Appeals 350, 351, 352
Based on character 352
Based on emotion 350
Based on logic 351
Rhetorical Devices 323-326
Diction 324
Style 326
Tone 325
Voice 323
gives your writing power 323
Rhetorical Modes 371
I am bad at distinguishing these 371
Sarcasm 312-527, 355, 418, 500, 512
Fatima 312-527, 355, 418, 500, 512
Mrs. Cardona 312-527
That's Humerous 460-461
Genres 461
Caricature 461
Parody 461
Satire 461
Horatian 460
Juvenalian 460
Things We Hate 314-315, 327-328, 342, 412, 510
Abbrevs 510
Cheesy or banal language 327-328
of which Ryan always used 412
Comic Sans (see It's The Little Things) 314-315
Emoticons 342
"Ethos", "Pathos", "Logos" 350-352
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