I rub my eyes as I stare at my computer screen, finally deciding that it's time for bed.
I get up and close our door; the hall lights are off, indicating Quiet Hours. I walk around as I brush my teeth, looking at the mess our room has become. There are puzzle pieces everywhere, holiday decorations that have fallen off the wall and broken, glitter glitter and more glitter...
As I go back to the sink to finish brushing my teeth, I see my reflection. I look tired. It's been a while since I've had the proper amount of sleep.
I look to see what Lauren's doing, and decide to keep the lights on since she is still studying.
I climb into my bed. Sleep sounds very welcoming.
My iPod is sitting on the side-table. I reach for it, and decide that it's a night for falling asleep to Kina Grannis.
I'm asleep before the first song finishes.
But then I am awake again.
The room is dark. I'm tangled my headphones and, even though there are no sounds, everything seems muted. I take my headphones out, and wrap them up around my iPod, replacing it on the side-table.
I close my eyes.
It's hot.
I can't get comfortable.
I'm not tired anymore.
I try shifting around. I try very hard to fall asleep again. But I can't.
So I get out of bed. I put some pants and a sweatshirt on, and I go outside.
This weather has been so weird. It's warm out: I can feel that it's humid, but I'm comfortable.
I sit on a bench in the courtyard.
And then, thoughts rush at me.
But they don't come in an orderly fashion. They don't come one by one for me to think about, work out, and then move on from.
I'm not sure why I'm outside. I'm not sure why I couldn't fall back asleep. I'm not sure why I woke up in the first place.
I sit on the bench for a while.
And then I wake up.
I'm don't know when I fell asleep, but I am curled up, and a little cold.
My phone is still charging in my room, so I don't know what time it is.
I pull my keys out of my pocket and go back inside.
I get into the room, and gently open the door. I don't look at the clock. I am tired.
I fall asleep easily this time, without knowing for how long I will be uninterrupted by my alarm clock...
Sleep is just so hard