I wake up, and look at my phone. 7:20.
I quickly get up to take a shower. But then I realize that Tina doesn't have class this morning, so I actually have a little more time than usual.
After I shower, I see Angela doing homework on the futon.
Hmm...Angela's first class on Friday doesn't start until an hour after mine.
"Why are you up so early?"
"Well, since Tina's not getting up this morning, I decided not to wait for my alarm to go off, and just get out of bed. Why are you up so early?
"This is the time I always get up."
"...On Thursdays, don't you shower at 8:15?"
Right. It's Thursday.
I mean, of course it's Thursday. And this particular Thursday, I have a five-and-a-half hour break in the middle of my day. I'm going to the gym. I shouldn't have even showered.
Then I open my e-mail. A message from Dr. Stacey, the professor of my first of two classes for the day. It says she's sick. OF COURSE.
Luckily, she didn't cancel class.
I honestly would have exploded.
Alright, c'est tout. I'm done complaining.
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