Sunday, October 23, 2011

When is it gonna SNOW already?

Probably none of you are asking yourselves this.

But I am. I am very anxious for winter to come, because I love winter.
That's right. Re-read it. I. Love. Winter. I don't care what you think, and neither does winter.
You wonder why winter comes back every year despite everyone's passionate hate for it...and why it stays far longer than it's welcome? Well, let me tell you: winter comes and stays for me. We are in love, and there's nothing you can do about it.

But honestly, why do I love winter...
Winter brings with it the cold, the type of cold that makes your rib cage lock up when you walk outside, and makes you hunch over and do an awkward shuffle to your car. The cold that sits on your leather seats so that when your shirt decides to lift up a little bit as you are about to sit down and exposes part of your back, you nearly jump out of your windshield when the two make contact. The cold that the heater in your car doesn't get rid of until you arrive at your destination, upon which you have to open the door, inviting all the cold air in again.

Oh yes, this is the cold that I so love.
I love the way it makes everyone's nose and cheeks pink, and how it brings with it snow. Snow that looks beautiful as it covers the trees, snow that crunches under your boots and seeps in at the tops because you didn't quite tuck your pants into them enough. And I love the way you can try to get every seam to overlap so that no cold or snow can get in, but the second glove always ends up exposing part of your wrist. And how no matter how many layers you use, fingers and toes always end up freezing and you want to stick them in a pot of boiling water when you get inside. And sometimes you do, and then they get all tingly and start to sting.

And winter is when you get to go skiing or snowboarding...or sledding, for the untalented.
With winter also comes Christmas. And who doesn't love a good holiday?

Even with all the anticipation of Christmas, it always manages to sneak up on you. And then there's the frantic running around and cursing at how difficult it is to think of gifts for certain people, and whatever just buy them a gift certificate, but that's not personal enough, so just buy them this random thing and include a gift receipt...

And the charade when you open gifts that you don't really want, and you're like,
"BATH SOAPS! I was just saying I needed some bath soaps! Mom, wasn't I just telling you the other day that I needed bath soaps? How did you know that I needed bath soaps? And they smell so lovely, oh thank you thankyouthankyou, these are so wonderful."

And every Christmas Eve we go to my aunt and uncles house.

Christmas Eve is when Ryan and Kristy get to wear their matching Christmas sweaters! All families have a Ryan and Kristy, right?
Yeah, the sad thing is that they bought all their friend-couples matching Christmas sweaters, too. I think this year, everyone in the family is getting one.

And then Christmas. Christmas morning, once everyone is awake and has had their coffee/tea/hot cocoa, the family goes on a Christmas Walk. When we come home, we're all cold. This is when I put on my Christmas socks!
D'awww. They have little snowmen on them. I love snowmen. My mom bought me little snomen earrings that have bells in them so every time I move my head even slightly, they make little dinggy noises. I'll wear them, sometime. You'll love them.

Anyway, after our walk we make breakfast. And after breakfast we open gifts.

And last year, everyone decided my room would be a good place to hide their gifts (because I actually have two rooms, since my brother left). So everyone's gifts were in my closet. And they were like, "I'll wrap them this weekend" but then the weekend came and went and they didn't wrap them. And then it was the 23rd of December, and everyone's unwrapped gifts were still in my closet. And then everyone left me that day, and they were like, "Hey could you do me a huge favor and wrap all my gifts for me?" and I was like, "I hate you all" but I did it. I. Wrapped. Every. Single. Gift.
Except the ones for me, of course. That would have actually made me cry.

But then you know what happened? My mom and dad told Erik to wrap my gifts. So naturally, this is why my pile of gifts looked like on Christmas morning:
Yup. Erik (bless him) used the same roll of wrapping paper to wrap every. single. one. of my presents.
I love him, but it's a good thing he used my favorite wrapping paper...

So, Christmas. That's another reason to love winter.
And if that hasn't convinced you yet, winter also brings hot cocoa and fire places. And winter hats. We all love winter hats. You know, the ones with a ball on the top and little tassles on the sides?

This is why I so love winter.
So seriously, when is it gonna snow, already?

1 comment:

  1. Fall is my favorite season but December is defiantly on of my favorite months. Since there is snow and it is just so pretty and nice and with all the holidays and breaks from school it is such a happy month :) But by February I am just sick of winter and count down the days until Spring... But I really like your holiday traditions :) they seem so much fun!
