Monday, September 26, 2011

While I'm Procrastinating...

I might as well talk about aliens.
Seriously, they have to exist. I mean, we're talking about the entire universe: we can't be alone.

So on that note, the planets of Galifrey and Skarro must exist (or have existed). And clearly, that means Timelords and Daleks exist. And there must have been a Time War between them. And now there is only one Timelord left. And Daleks keep re-appearing despite the genocide of their race.

(There are no logical fallacies above. It's true.)

I bring this up because:
1. I recently watched Alien Autopsy.
2. I recently watched Doctor Who.
3. I really want Doctor Who to be real.
4. I am procrastinating.

Also, I finally changed my blog title. And it is Doctor Who related. Because River Song kept meeting The Doctor at the wrong times, and we didn't know who she was. But it was implied that she's The Doctor's wife. And she killed someone: the best man she ever knew. The Doctor? But it can't be The Doctor, because someone in an astronaut suit kills The Doctor. And River witnessed it. So she probably killed Rory (which we can only now begin to speculate). And someone told The Doctor, "the only water in the forest is the river". But that didn't mean anything. And Amy was pregnant, but she didn't know it because she was Flesh. And the people who stole her and created the Flesh version of her wanted the baby because it was to possess Timelord qualities. Probably because it was conceived in the TARDIS. And The Doctor and Rory go to save Amy and the baby which she names Melody. Melody Pond. Because for some reason Amy keeps her last name instead of taking Rory's when they get married. And then some girl (who has been waiting to meet The Doctor again, so has joined the army against him, but is still nice, and trustable) sews Melody Pond's name into something for good luck. But it's in her native language which originates from Forest People. And "the only water in the forest is the river". And River Song is Melody Pond. And she's a weapon against The Doctor. And oh my God.

This proably won't make sense to anyone, or be read by anyone, for that matter. But I needed to have a little freak-out about Doctor that I stop doing it in every single Freewrite Friday. Okay. C'est fini.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I totally agree! (at least with the first part) aliens MUST exist! what is the likely hood that they don't? The universe is soooo big how can earth be the only planet with intelligent life?

    2. I have this theory that I should start watching Dr. Who since I feel like I would like it... Now I don't really know anything about it (I could not understand the rest of your post...) but I have multiple friends of which I have other similar interests that LOVE Dr. Who. So I feel like I would as well and henceforth I should start watching it.

    3. Over all I liked your blog post :) and look at that someone read it! even if it was just me ;)
